Definition of information, memory less information sources, the Markov information source; Entropy: Extended sources; Shannon’s noiseless coding theorem; Source coding; Mutual information; Channel capacity: BSC and other channels; Shannon’s channel capacity theorem; continuous channels; comparison of communication systems based on information theory; Channel coding block and convolution block codes-Hamming, cyclic and BCH. Performance of block code; Convolution codes and majority logic decoding; Viterbi decoding algorithm; Coding gains and performance.
Course Catalogue
Satellite Communication: Principles of satellite communication, satellite analog communication. Digital satellite transmission, multiple access techniques, demand assignment multiple access techniques, spread spectrum technique and code division multiple access, random access technique. Satellite orbits and inclination, communication satellite subsystems, satellite earth station, special purpose communication satellites. Applications of GEO, MEO, LEO and VSAT, and mobile satellite communications.
Optical fiber communication: Advantages of optical fiber system. Light propagation through optical fiber, ray optics theory and mode theory, optical fiber types. Attenuation, absorption loss, scattering loss, fiber band loss, dispersion, polarization, nonlinear phenomena. LED, its structure and characteristics, laser’s basic concept, semiconductor and non-semiconductor lasers, optical transmitter circuit. P-N and P-I-N photo-diode, avalanche photo-diode, optical receiver circuit, direct detection and coherent detection. Types of noise, receiver noise, S/N ratio, error rates. Fiber joints and fiber couplers, modulator, laser and fiber amplifiers, switches, isolator, attenuator, circular, polarization controller, filter, optical sensor systems, WDM and its applications, SDH/SONET system.
Image acquisition, storage and processing, Structure of human eye, image model, image transformations, correlation characteristics, PCM coding for image digitization. Redundancy in images and psycho, IP and E techniques for image coding. Image coding without memory and with memory. DPCM, ADPCM, Block / Transform coding. Entropy coding Image Analysis / Synthesis and image understanding techniques. Image Enhancement, restoration and conversion, Image Compression, differential techniques Color image processing, Time-varying Image Analysis: Difference images, moving edge detection, Optical flow, Elementary Pattern Recognition: Statistical pattern recognition, syntactic pattern recognition, Image processors
Signaling, switching and transmission aspects, local area network, fiber optic LAN, access protocols, TDMA, LAN systems, system configuration, network control, passive optical components for LAN, active repeaters, MAN, WAN, integrated services, system applications.
Antenna equivalent circuits, Radiation fields, Polarization, Isotropic radiator, Power gain of an antenna, Effective area and effective length of an antenna. The Horizon dipole, half-wave dipole. The vertical antennas, Folded elements. Loop and ferrite rod receiving antennas. Non-resonant antennas. Driven arrays, parasitic arrays. VHF-UHF antennas, Microwave antennas Radio Wave Propagation: Introduction, Propagation in free space, Tropospheric propagation, Ionospheric propagation. Surface wave. Low frequency, Very low frequency and Extremely low frequency propagation. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Optical fiber: Introduction, structure, step index and graded index fibers, Modes of propagation, Signal degradation in Optical fibers: Attenuation, signal distortion, pulses broadening mode coupling. Optical sources: LED, Laser diodes light source linearity model partition and reflection noise. Power lunching and coupling: source to fiber power lunching Lansing scheme, fiber to fibber join, splicing fiber connectors. Photo detectors: basic principles, photo-detectors noise, response time, and avalanche multiplication noise.
Optical receiver operations: receiver configurations, digital receiver, Performance preamplifiers.
Digital translation systems: point-to-point link, line coding, and eye pattern,
system Performances.
Advanced systems and techniques: WDM, local area networks, optical amplifier, phonic switching.
Optical fiber communication systems, Elements of optical fiber communication links, Propagation of Light over Optical Fibers, Mechanisms of attenuation and dispersion. Optical cables, optical connector, splice and couplers. Optical Sources: LED, LASER Intensity modulation/ direct detection, coherent systems. Optical transmitters & amplifiers. Optical Detectors and Receivers, Optical Link Design: Limitations in bandwidth and distance due to attenuation and dispersion. Link budget calculations, Applications, Low BW/ Low bit rate to ultra-wide band/ Ultra high bit rate communication systems. Introduction to communication networks (LANs, MANs and WANs). The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Pulse Dialers; DTMF encoders and decoders; Repertory dialers; Speech networks; CODECs; PCM line filters. Single-chip telephone ICs, Line interface ICs, Speech network, Tone dialer, Ringer network, Intelligent telephones-Microprocessor interface, integrated speakerphone IC, Audio amplifier ICs, Battery feed, Over-voltage protection, Ringing, Signaling, Coding, Hybrid, and Testing (BORSCHT). Subscriber Line Interface Card (SLIC), Codecs, Dual tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) ICs. CAD design methodologies, ASICs for signal processing, computer vision applications, telecommunications. PCM, CVSD, CODECs, Filters, MODEMs, LAN chip sets, ISDN CODECs. Telephones-subscriber circuits, line interface, Switched capacitor, DSP chips, High speed decision circuits. MIC and MMIC. High speed DSP chips. Fiber optic chips. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Internet, Intranet, and Extranet, will be covered. Web server management, threats, security of client and server, network security like firewall, SSL, authentication and authorization, search engine, Internet protocols like TCP/IP, SGML, XML. Design and developments of Web applications using Java Applets, ASP, Java Script, CGI and other Web tools are discussed. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
This course is about fundamental concepts in finance, applications and how different stakeholders use these concepts for prudent investment and business decision making.
This course is about fundamental concepts in finance and applications of these concepts. Through this course student will understand how different stakeholders can use these concepts for prudent business decision making. Precisely, working Capital Management, Cost of Capital, long term investment decisions, long term debt, equity financing and dividend payment decisions will be covered in detail. On successful completion of the course, students are expected to have a broad understanding of how finance managers make decisions about financing, investment and dividend payment.