What is knowledge? What is the extent and basis of one’s knowledge about physical objects, other people, oneself, the future, morality, and religion? This course will discuss a representative group of philosophical issues and problems that arise in connection with religious worldviews. Specific topics may include but are not limited to the following: concepts of a god, the existence and attributes of God, the problem of evil, miracles, religion and morality, faith and science, and the possibility of religious knowledge. Selected examples of religious belief and practice from around the world will also be included under this course. This investigates the culturally specific ways humans orient themselves in space and time, by means of language, the body, kinship, etc., and by the meanings provided by the symbols and frameworks of religion, public myth and ritual.
Course Catalogue
This course introduces the various social theories and their development. Central problems of social theory are evaluated in light of readings from important sociological founders (Marx, Weber, Durkheim) and contemporary theories (rational choice theory, functionalism, power theory.) Special emphasis is placed on developing usable social theory. This also introduces diverse methods of social research. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are examined. Students learn how to formulate research questions, gather data and evidence, and make reliable inferences. The course helps student to develop their analytical skills.
This course will examine what role the past plays in the present: Why study the past, and why preserve it? How has the materiality of the past been represented in different historical and cultural contexts and for what purposes? How do various indigenous, ethnic, and nationalist narratives of struggle give shape to and reconstruct a ‘true’ history? The course will employ archaeological, textual and ethnographic evidences drawn from a particular time-space bracket
in Bangladesh to explore how the past is interpreted and (re)presented to legitimize indigenous, ethnic, and nationalist conflicts and what their broader implications are.
Human Resource Management, generally known as HRM, is defined as a strategic, coherent human resources in such a way that every process is integrated with the overall management of the organization. The processes are set with the belief that organizations exist to deliver value to their customers, and that can be best achieved by treating people in the organization as assets, rather than variable costs. With this background, the intent of the course is to familiarize and provide general understanding to the students with various functional aspects of management of human resources in organizational context, the general ambiance at which the functions operate, etc. It is expected that the students, at the end of the course, would have competences of analyzing and determining the best-fit strategy in managing human resources in organizations.