Based on theory course.
Course Catalogue
Introduction to Software Engineering as a Discipline. Software Life Cycles. Software Requirement Specification and Analysis, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Design patterns, Architectural patterns and scaling concern, Software Quality Assurance, Project management, Testing.
Introduction to computer networks: protocol layers, network performance Metrics-Delay, loss, throughput, jitter; circuit and packet switching; application layer: protocol overview of HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS, SNMP, P2P, client server and hybrid applications of the Internet; transport layer: protocol overview of TCP and UDP, principles of reliable data transfer, flow control, congestion control, TCP Reno, TCP Tahoe, socket programming; network layer: overview of IPv4 and IPv6, IP addressing, components of a router, routing and forwarding functions of a router, routing algorithms: link state and distance vector, OSPF and BGP; wireless networks: definition and types of wireless networks, MAC and routing in wireless networks, mobility and mobile IPv6.
Based on theory course.
Introduction to cyber security. Basic concepts: confidentiality, integrity, availability, security policies, security mechanisms, assurance. Basic Cryptography; Secret Key Cryptography, Message Digests, Public Key Cryptography; Authentication; Trusted Intermediaries; Real-time Communication Security; Electronic Mail Security; Firewalls and Web Security. Computer Security Management, Establishing and Managing Information Assurance, Forensics of Cyber Security, Hacking Techniques, Investigation and Response: Systems Forensics.
Introduction to information systems, general design consideration of information systems.
Overview: System concepts and the information systems environment, information needs, the concept of MIS, the 4-system development life cycle, the role of the systems analyst. Systems Analysis: System planning and the initial investigation, information gathering, the tools of structured analysis, feasibility study, cost/benefit analysis.
System design: The process and stage:; of systems design, input/output and forms design, file organization and data base design.
System Implementation: System testing and quality assurance implementation and software maintenance, hardware/ software selection, project scheduling and software; Security, disaster/recovery, and ethics in system development.
Caste studies of various information systems such as: Library management system, inventory system, voter identity management system, payroll system, etc.
Basic concept of telecomm network and wireless programming, The J2ME architecture, CDLC and KVM, The connected and limited devices configuration, Mobile information device profile, MIDP Programming, Low level user interface API, Event handling, Record management system, Network management, Using push registry in J2ME, SMS programming, .Net framework for wireless programming, Bluetooth and IrDA Communication, Programming PDA
An introduction to e-commerce principles, theories, technologies and applications. This course gives an overview of the impact of new technologies on commercial paradigms and practices, legal issues and business ethics. The course also comprises an advanced managerial issues regarding the use of cutting-edge e-Business applications. It provides students with a deeper understanding of new technologies and recent theory in e-commerce and their implications for e-business thought and practice.
Software development life cycles: development process models, Risk based evolutionary approaches; problem analysis and requirements specifications DFD and data dictionary; Important specification languages; Function point analysis, for estimation of lines and codes;
Software-cost evaluation: Software-cost evaluation based on COCOMO models and Norden and Raleigh’s stochastic model for software cost estimation; Architectural design-modularization, structured design methodology and other process oriented design methodologies, data and object orient design methodologies;
Software complexity metrics: Code length based, control structure based and hybrid methods; testing theoretical foundation, black box and white-box approaches. Integration and system testing; case studies; computer Aided software engineering.
Standard Graphics Primitives, Graphical User Interface; Graphics hardware: Display devices, Raster refresh graphics display, Use of frame buffer and look-up table; Coordinate convention. Device coordinate, Normalized device coordinate and World coordinate system; Raster Scan Graphics: Bresenham’s Line and Circle Generation, Algorithms. Character generation, Half toning, Antialiasing: Polygons: Different types of polygons, Point Location, Polygon filling, triangulation; Windowing and Clipping: Window, View point, zooming, panning, line, text and polygon clipping; Transformation matrices, Transformation in ?D, translation, rotation, scaling, shearing and reflection; Transformation in 3D: translation, rotation, scaling, shearing and reflection, projection: parallel and perspective, isometric projection; Segments with their applications. Three Dimensional Viewing and representation: Curves, surfaces and volumes with cubic and bicubic splines, B-Rep, CSG, Spatial Occupancy Representations; Hidden Lines and Surface removal; Painter; algorithm, Z-Buffering; Rendering: light Models, Shading Interpolation Technique Constant, Goraud and Phong, Ray Tracing. Computer ergonomics, Information structure, introduction to Graphics kernel system. Introduction to Graphics Programming. The nature of computer, dynamics, metamorphosis, displacement animation. An overview of multimedia system; Hypermedia: text, audio, video and graphics; Applications: Raster graphics software, Vector software, 3-Dimensional software, digital audio and video editing, Animation, Document processing, Multimedia information system. Information representation storage, retrieval and processing; Multi-user and distributed environment; Cooperative processes, Synchronization, Data Compression, Data Encryption Data Communication Intelligent Interaction.