This course aims to develop an understanding of the accounting system employed by commercial banks and insurance companies, as well as the regulatory framework governing this system. Topics of the course include Introduction to Banking and Insurance Business - History, current scenario and future avenues; Laws and Acts Governing the Business of Banks and Insurance Companies in Bangladesh; Accounting of Assets, Liabilities and Equity of Banks and Insurances; Preparing Financial Statements; and Financial Performance Analysis.
Course Catalogue
This course aims to develop an understanding of the IFRS - a set of globally accepted accounting standards. Topics of the course include Introduction to IFRS; the Financial Reporting Framework; Presentation of financial statements; Inventories; Statement of cash flow and preparation of cash flow statement; Preparing Financial Statements following the procedures of IFRS; Accounting policies; Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors after the Reporting Period; Property, plant and equipment, leases, revenue; and Impairment of assets and intangible assets.
This course aims to develop an understanding of the financing of major projects such as motorways, bridges, power plants and mobile telephony networks. Topics of the course include Resources of Project finance - The value of project management, The triple constraints, Success factors; Key issues in evaluating and structuring a financial transaction - The project management frameworks. Project Life Cycle, The Initiating Process Group, Valuation Methods and hedging financial risk, Waterfall vs. Agile; and Debt financing - Acquisition Finance, Leveraged Buyout Market, Different layers of debt, and Syndicated loan structures.
This capstone course aims to study administrative processes and policy determination at the strategic management level. Topics of the course include Concepts and Approaches to Strategic Management; Strategic Analysis for External and Internal Environment; Strategy Formulation at the Business Level, Corporate Level and Functional Level; Strategy Implementation and Review for Corporate Governance, Organization Structure and Control; and Strategic Leadership.
This course aims to introduce business principles and practices. Topics of the course include Business in a Global Environment; Forms of Business Ownerships and Organizations; Overview of Entrepreneurship, Management, Leadership, Financial Management, Accounting, Legal Environment, Marketing Management; and Managing Technology and Information.
Atomic Structure, quantum numbers, electronic configuration, periodic table. Properties and uses of noble gases. Different types of chemical bonds and their properties. Molecular structures of compounds. Selective organic reactions. Different types of solutions and their compositions. Phase rule, phase diagram of mono component system. Properties of dilute solutions. Thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibria. Ionization of water and pH concept. Electrical properties of solution.
In this course, students will perform experiments on volumetric analysis such as acid-base titration, oxidation-reduction titrations, determination of Fe, Cu and Ca volumetrically. These concepts are learned in CHEM 101.
Introduction: brief history and types of computers, application areas. Working principle of a computer system. Single and multi-user systems.
Hardware: Organization and architecture, CPU, Motherboards & Microprocessors, Memory units: Primary memory, Secondary memory, Input & output (I/O) Devices, peripheral devices, AT/XT, ISA, FISA, PCI Bus Architecture.
Software: Classifications, System software, Operating system concepts, importance, components and basic functions of DOS, Windows and UNIX operating systems. Application software, database, spreadsheet and word-processing software.
Applications: Multimedia systems, computer networks: basic concepts on LAN, WAN rind
Internet systems, Internet services, E-mail and WWW.
Selection of computers, hardware, software and cost consideration.
Information Technology is very necessary for modern life. Computing is not limited to Computer Programmers and Computer Engineer. This course will help the students to know the functions of computer and the capabilities of it. The students will be introduced with the components of the computer system and will also be able to see the components practically. They will also get the basic idea about the computer programming, database, Networks, maintenance of computer, brief idea about the Security and Privacy of a computer and so on. Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Internet and FrontPage will be taught in Lab.
Programming fundamentals: Constants, variables, Keywords, Data types, C instructions, Hierarchy of operations, Programming structure of C. Decision Making and Looping: If, If-else, Else-if statements, Nesting; While, For loop, Nesting of loop. Odd loops, Do-while loop, Case control structure. Array & Functions: One dimensional, Two dimensional array; Array initialization, Scope rules of function, Nesting and recursion of function, Call by value and call by reference, Passing array elements to a function, pointers, Pointer notations, Array and pointers, Function and pointers. String operation: String variables, String I/O operations, Standard library string functions, Two-dimensional array, Array of pointers to string. C processors, structure type, structure elements, Array structures, Structure I/O in C. Introduction to OOP using C++. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.