Course Catalogue

Course Code: EEE 1102
Course Name:
Electrical Circuit 1 Lab
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Based on the theory course.

Course Code: EEE 1301
Course Name:
Electronic Devices and Circuits I
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Introduction to semiconductors: intrinsic, p-type and n-type. PN junction: formation, and operating principles. PN junction diode: current-voltage characteristics, simplified models, dynamic resistance and capacitance. Zener diode: current-voltage characteristics and its applications. Diode circuits: Half-wave and full wave rectifiers with filter capacitors, Clippers and clampers, Zener shunt regulator. Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect-Transistor (MOSFET): structure, physical operation, current- voltage characteristics and regions of operations, small signal equivalent circuit models; Secondary effects: body effect, channel length modulation, Early effect and short channel effects; MOS amplifiers- biasing discrete and integrated MOS amplifier circuits, Single stage amplifier circuits, their configurations and DC analysis; AC analysis of single stage MOS amplifiers- Voltage and current gain, input and output resistances. MOSFET as active loads, MOSFET as a switch. Bipolar junction transistor (BJT): Basic structure. physical operation, BJT characteristics and regions of operation, DC analysis, biasing the BJT for discrete circuits, small signal equivalent circuit models, AC analysis of Single stage BJT amplifier circuits and their configurations.

Course Code: EEE 1302
Course Name:
Electronic Devices and Circuits I Lab
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Based on the theory course.

Course Code: EEE 201
Course Name:
Electronic Devices and Circuits I
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

P-N junction as a circuit element: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, operational principle of p-n junction diode, contact potential, current-voltage characteristics of adiode, simplified DC and AC diode models, dynamic resistance and capacitance. Diode circuits: Half-wave and full-wave rectifiers, rectifiers with filter capacitor, characteristics of a Zener diode, Zener shunt regulator, clamping and clipping circuits, photo diodes an LED circuits. Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) as circuit element: Current components, BJT characteristics and regions of operation, BJT as an amplifier, biasing the BJT for discrete circuits, small signal equivalent circuit models, BJT as a switch. Single stage mid-band frequency BJT amplifier circuits: voltage and current gain, input and output impedance of a common base, common emitter and common collector amplifier circuits. Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) as circuit element: Structure and physical operation of an enhancement MOSFET, threshold voltage, body effect, current-voltage characteristics of an enhancement MOSFET, biasing discrete and integrated MOS amplifier circuits, single stage MOS amplifiers, MOSFET as a switch, CMOS inverter. Junction field effect transistor (JFET): Structure and physical operation of JFET, transistor characteristics, pinch-off voltage. Differential and multistage amplifiers: Description of differential amplifiers and small signal operation, differential and common mode gains, RC coupled mid-band frequency amplifier.

Course Code: EEE 202
Course Name:
Electronic Circuit Simulation Laboratory
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Simulation Laboratory based on EEE 201. Students will verify the theories and concepts learned in EEE 201 using simulation software like PSpice and MATLAB.

Course Code: EEE 203
Course Name:
Electronic Devices and Circuits II
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Frequency response of amplifiers: Poles, zeros and bode plots, amplifier transfer function, techniques of determining 3 dB frequencies of amplifier circuits, frequencyresponse of single stage and cascade amplifiers, frequency response of differential amplifiers. Operational amplifiers (Op-Amp): Properties of ideal Op-Amps, noninverting and inverting amplifiers, inverting integrators, differentiator, weighted summer and other applications of Op-Amp circuits, effects of finite open loop gain and bandwidth on circuit performance, logic signal operation of Op-Amp, DC imperfections. General purpose Op-Amp: DC analysis, small-signal analysis of different stages, gain and frequency response of 741 Op-Amp. Negative feedback: Properties, basic topologies, feedback amplifiers with different topologies, stability, frequency compensation. Active filters: Different types of filters and specifications, transfer functions, realization of first and second order low-, high- and band-pass filters using Op-Amps. Positive feedback and signal generators: Basic principle of sinusoidal oscillation, Op-Amp RC oscillators and LC and crystal oscillators. Timer ICs: IC 555 and its applications. Power amplifiers: Classification of output stages, class A, B, C, and AB output stages.

Course Code: EEE 204
Course Name:
Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 203.

Course Code: EEE 205
Course Name:
Electrical Machines I
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Transformer: Ideal transformer-transformer ratio, no-load and load vector diagrams; actual transformer-equivalent circuit, regulation, short circuit and open circuit tests, voltage regulation, per unit quantities, polarity of windings, vector group. Three-phase transformer: Design and harmonic suppression. Auto and instrumentation transformers. Three-phase induction motor: Rotating magnetic field, equivalent circuits, vector diagram, torque-speed characteristics, effect of changing rotor resistance reactance on torque-speed curves, motor torque, developed rotor power, no-load test, blocked rotor test, per unit values of machine parameters, starting, braking and speed control. Single phase induction motor: Theory of operation, equivalent circuit and starting

Course Code: EEE 209
Course Name:
Electrical Machines II
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Synchronous Generators: excitation systems, equivalent circuit, vector diagrams at different loads, factors affecting voltage regulation, synchronous impedance, synchronous impedance method of predicting voltage regulation and its limitations. Parallel operation: Necessary conditions, synchronizing and circulating current and vector diagram. Synchronous motors: Operation, effect of loading under different excitation conditions, effect of changing excitations, V-curves and starting. DC generator: types, no-load voltage characteristics, build-up of a self-excited shunt generator, critical field resistance, load-voltage characteristics, effect of speed on noload and load characteristics and voltage regulation. DC motors: Torque, counter emf, speed, torque-speed characteristics, starting and speed regulation. Introduction to wind turbine generators construction and basic characteristics of solar cells.

Course Code: EEE 210
Course Name:
Electrical Machines Laboratory
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 205 and EEE 209.
