Probability and random variables. Distribution and density functions and conditional probability. Expectation: moments and characteristics functions. Transformation of a random variable. Vector random variables. Joint distribution and density. Independence. Sums of random variables. Random processes. Correlation functions. Process measurements. Gaussian and Poisson random processes. Noise models. Stationary and Ergodicity. Spectral Estimation. Correlation and power spectrum. Cross spectral densities. Response of linear systems to random inputs. Introduction to discrete time processes, Mean-square error estimation, Detection and linear filtering.
Course Catalogue
Entropy and Mutual Information: Entropy, joint entropy and conditional entropy, Relative entropy and mutual information, chain rules for entropy, relative entropy and mutual information, Jensen’s inequality and log-sum inequality. Differential Entropy: Differential entropy and discrete entropy, joint and conditional differential entropy, properties of differential entropy, relative entropy and mutual information. Entropy Rates of Stochastic Process: Markov Chain, Entropy rate and hidden Markov models. Source Coding: Kraft inequality, optimal codes, Huffman code and its optimality, Shannon-Fano-Elias coding, arithmetic coding. Channel Capacity: Binary symmetric channels and properties of channel capacity, channel coding theorems, joint source and channel coding theorem. Block coding and decoding, BCH, RS codes, Convolutional coding, Viterbi Decoder, Turbo codes, decoding techniques: STBC, SFBC, STFBC. Gaussian Channel: Introduction to Gaussian Channel, Band limited channel, Parallel Gaussian Channel, Gaussian Channel with feedback.
Introduction to the general characteristics of wave propagation. Physical interpretation of Maxwell’s equations. Propagation of plane electromagnetic waves and energy. Reflection, diffraction, polarization, poynting vector. Transmission lines. Metallic and dielectrically guided waves including microwave waveguides. Antenna fundamentals. Microwaves generators. Microwave tubes: Klystron amplifiers, reflex Klystron oscillators, magnetrons, backward–wave oscillators. Microwave solid-state devices, varactor diodes, Gunn diodes, IMPATT diodes, P-I-n diodes, and their applications. Microwave components: Waveguides, directional coupler, isolators, waveguide couplers, circulators, slotted waveguide.
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 445. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 445.
Introduction: Communication channels, mathematical model and characteristics. Review of probability and stochastic processes. Source coding: Mathematical models of information, entropy, Huffman and linear predictive coding. Digital transmission system: Baseband digital transmission, inter-symbol interference, bandwidth, power efficiency, modulation and coding trade-off. Receiver for AWGN channels: Correlation demodulator, matched filter demodulator and maximum likelihood receiver. Channel capacity and coding: Channel models and capacities and random selection of codes, convolution codes and coded modulation. Spread spectrum signals and systems.
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 447. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 447.
Introduction: Introduction to optical fiber communication systems. Elements of optical fiber communication links, advantages over microwave systems. Propagation of light over optical fibers: Transmission characteristics of optical fibers, optical fiber construction, mechanisms of attenuation and dispersion. Optical cables, optical connector, splice and couplers. Optical sources: Light emitting diodes and laser diodes, and their characteristics. Intensity modulation, direct detection, coherent systems.
Optical transmitters and amplifiers. Optical detectors and receivers: PIN photodiodes and avalanche photodiodes, their characteristics. Optical waveguides and optical soliton. Optical link design: Limitations in bandwidth and distance due to attenuation and dispersion. Link budget calculations. Applications: Selection of components for different applications. State-of-the-art applications of optical fiber communications. Analog and digital communication systems. Low BW and bitrate to ultra-wide band and ultra-high bitrate communication systems. Introduction to communication networks (LANs, MANs and WANs).
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 449.
Introduction: Concept, evolution and fundamentals. Analog and digital Cellular systems. Cellular radio system: Frequency reuse, co-channel interference, cell splitting and components. Mobile radio propagation: Propagation characteristics, models for radio propagation, antenna at cell site and mobile antenna. Frequency management and channel assignment: Fundamentals of spectrum utilization, channel assignment, fixed channel assignment, non-fixed channel assignment, traffic and channel assignment. Handoffs and dropped calls: Reasons and types, forced handoffs, mobile assisted handoffs and dropped call rate. Diversity techniques: Concept of diversity branch and signal paths, carrier to noise and carrier to interference ratio performance. Digital cellular systems: Global system for mobile, time division multiple access and code division multiple access.
Radar engineering: Basic principles, radar equations, factors influencing maximum range, power and frequencies used in radar. Radar cross section, information contents in radar signals, noise and clutter, radar detectors. Types of radar: Basic pulsed radar system, bandwidth requirements, factors governing pulsed characteristics, duplexer, moving target indicator. Doppler and MTI radars, pulse compression, CW and FM-CW radar, radar transmitter and receivers, introduction to polarimetric radar and synthetic aperture radar. Tracking systems and search systems of radar. Radar antennas: Parabolic, lenses, cosecant squared antenna. Introduction to satellite communication. Satellite frequency bands, satellite orbits, satellite types, regulation of the spectrum and interference, propagation channel, air interfaces, link budget analysis, digital modulation, error correction codes, multiple access, receiver synchronization, baseband processing, fixed and mobile applications, basics of satellite networking.