Transmission line cables: overhead and underground. Stability. Swing equation, power angle equation, equal area criterion, multi-machine system, step-by-step solution of swing equation. Factors affecting voltage and frequency stability. Economic operation within and among plants, transmission-loss equation, dispatch with losses. Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS). Relative power compensation, compensation techniques. High voltage DC transmission system. Power quality – voltage sag and swell, surges, harmonics, flicker, grounding problems; IEEE/IEC standards, mitigation techniques.
Course Catalogue
Special machine: Series universal motor, permanent magnet DC motor, unipolar and bipolar brush less DC motors, stepper motor and control circuits. Reluctance and hysteresis motors with drive circuits, switched reluctance motor, electrostatic motor, repulsion motor, synchronous and control transformers. Permanent magnet synchronous motors. Acyclic machines: Generators, conduction pump and induction pump. Magnet hydrodynamic generators. Thermoelectric generators, flywheels. Vector control, linear motors and traction. Induction generator, AC-DC-AC conversion.
Power plants: general layout and principles, steam turbine, gas turbine, combined cycle gas turbine, hydro and nuclear. Power plant instrumentation. Selection of location: technical, economic and environmental factors. Load forecasting. Load curve: demand factor, diversity factor, load duration curve, energy load curve, load factor, capacity factor, and utilization factor. Generation scheduling: deterministic and probabilistic. Electricity tariff: formulation and types.
Purpose of power system protection. Criteria of detecting faults: overcurrent, differential current, difference of phase angles, over and under voltages, power direction, symmetrical component of current and voltages, impedance, frequency and temperature. Instrument transformers: CT and PT. Electromechanical, electronic and digital relays: basic modules, overcurrent, differential, distance and directional. Trip circuits. Unit protection schemes: generator, transformer, motor, bus bar, transmission and distribution lines. Miniature circuits breakers and fuses. Circuit breakers: principle of arc extinction, selection criteria and ratings of circuit breakers, types, oil, SF6 and vacuum.
This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 467. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the principles learned in EEE 467.
Review of probability concepts. Probability distribution: Binomial, Poisson and Normal. Reliability concepts: Failure rate, outage, mean time to failure, series and parallel systems and redundancy. Markov process. Probabilistic generation and load models. Reliability indices: Loss of load probability and loss of energy probability. Frequency and duration. Reliability evaluation techniques of single area system. Interconnected system: tie line and evaluation of reliability indices.
Overview: Integrated and deregulated power system. Real-time operation: SCADA. Energy management system, various data acquisition devices, wide area monitoring, protection and control. Application functions: state estimation; short term load forecasting; unit commitment, economic dispatch, optimal power flow. Frequency control: Generation and turbine governors, droop, frequency sensitivity of loads, area control error, automatic generation control and coordination, frequency collapse and emergency load shed. Power system security: Static and dynamic security constraints. Electricity market operation, bidding, spot market, social welfare, market clearing price, locational marginal price, bilateral contracts and forward market, hedging. Demand side control: Distribution and demand side management system, smart grid concept.
High voltage DC: Rectifier circuits, voltage multipliers, Van-de-Graaf and electrostatic generators. High voltage AC: Cascaded transformers and Tesla coils. Impulse voltage: Shapes, mathematical analysis, codes and standards, single and multi-stage impulse generators, tripping and control of impulse generators. Breakdown in gas, liquid and solid dielectric materials. Corona. High voltage measurements and testing. Overvoltage phenomenon and insulation coordination. Lightning and switching surges, basic insulation level, surge diverters, surge diverters and arresters.
The students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 473.
Compensating using pole placement technique. State equations of digital
systems with sample and hold, state equation of digital systems, digital simulation and approximation. Solution of discrete state equations: Z-transform, state equation and transfer function, state diagrams, state plane analysis. Stability of digital control systems. Digital simulation and digital redesign. Time domain analysis. Frequency domain analysis. Controllability and observability. Optimal linear digital regular design. Digital state observer. Microprocessor control. H control, nonlinear control.