In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 309.
Course Catalogue
Basic components of a computer system. Simple-As-Possible (SAP)
computer: SAP-1, selected concepts from SAP-2 and SAP-3 (jump, call, return, stack, push and pop). Evolution of microprocessors. Introduction to Intel 8086 microprocessor: features, architecture, Minimum mode operation of 8086 microprocessor: system timing diagrams of read and write cycles, memory banks, design of decoders for RAM, ROM and PORT. Introduction to Intel 8086 Assembly Language Programming: basic instructions, logic, shift and rotate instructions, addressing modes, stack management and procedures, advanced arithmetic instructions for multiplication and division, instructions for BCD and double precision numbers, introduction to 8086 programming with C language. Hardware Interfacing with Intel 8086 microprocessor: programmable peripheral interface, programmable interrupt controller, programmable timer, serial communication interface, keyboard and display interface (LED, 7 segment, dot matrix and LCD).
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 311. The student will also design and implement a small scale microprocessor system learned in EEE 311.
Static electric field: Postulates of electrostatics, Coulomb’s law for discrete and continuously distributed charges, Gauss’s law and its application, electric potential due to charge distribution, conductors and dielectrics in static electric field, flux density boundary
conditions; capacitance- electrostatic energy and forces, energy in terms of field equations, capacitance calculation of different geometries; boundary value problems- Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations in different co-ordinate systems. Steady electric current: Ohm’s law, continuity equation, Joule’s law, resistance calculation. Static Magnetic field: Postulates of magnetostatics, Biot-Savart’s law, Ampere’s law and applications, vector magnetic potential, magnetic dipole, magnetization, magnetic field intensity and relative permeability, boundary conditions for magnetic field, magnetic energy, magnetic forces, torque and inductance of different geometries. Time varying fields and Maxwell’s equations: Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations – differential and integral forms, boundary conditions, potential functions; time harmonic fields and Poynting theorem. Plane electromagnetic wave: plane wave in loss less media- Doppler effect, transverse electromagnetic wave, polarization of plane wave; plane wave in lossy media- low-loss dielectrics, good conductors; group velocity, instantaneous and average power densities, normal and oblique incidence of plane waves at plane boundaries for different polarization.
Familiarization with CAD tools for building services design. Introduction to Building regulations, codes and standards: BNBC, NFPA etc. Terminology and definitions: fuses, circuit breakers, distribution boxes, cables, bus-bars and conduits. Familiarization with symbols and legends used for electrical services design. Classification of wiring. Design for illumination and lighting: lux, lumen, choice of luminaries for various applications- domestic building, office building and industry. Wattage rating of common electrical equipment. Designing electrical distribution system for low and high rise domestic, office and academic buildings, for multipurpose buildings. Size selection of conductors and breakers, bus-bar trunking (BBT) system for various applications. Single line diagram (SLD) of a typical sub-station and pole-mounted transformer. Earthing requirements, various earthing methods. Earthing and lightning protection system design. Familiarization with indoor and underground telephone and fiber optic cables, Designing routing layout and installation of intercom, PABX, telephone, public address (PA) systems, cable TV distribution, LAN and wireless data systems for a building. Safety regulations, design of security systems including CCTV, burglar alarm. Concept of fire prevention and its importance. Fire detection (smoke, heat etc.) and alarm system (with voice evacuation), firefighting system (sprinkler system, hose). Installation of air-conditioning, heating, lifts and elevators.
Semiconductors in equilibrium: Energy bands, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi levels, electron and hole concentrations, temperature dependence of carrier concentrations and invariance of Fermi level. Carrier transport processes and excess carriers: Drift and diffusion, generation and recombination of excess carriers, built-infield, recombination-generation SRH formula, surface recombination, Einstein relations, continuity and diffusion equations for holes and electrons and quasi-Fermi level. PN junction: Basic structure, equilibrium conditions, contact potential, equilibrium Fermi level, space charge, non-equilibrium condition, forward and reverse bias, carrier injection, minority and majority carrier currents, transient and AC conditions, time variation of stored charge, reverse recovery transient and capacitance. Bipolar Junction Transistor: Basic principle of pnp and npn transistors, emitter efficiency, base transport factor and current gain, diffusion equation in the base, terminal currents, coupled-diode model and charge control analysis, Ebers-Moll model and circuit synthesis. BJT non-ideal effects; Hetero-junction transistors. Metal semiconductor junction: Energy band diagram of metal semiconductor junctions, rectifying and ohmic contacts. MOS structure: MOS capacitor, energy band diagrams and flat band voltage, threshold voltage and control of threshold voltage, static C-V characteristics, qualitative theory of MOSFET operation, body effect and current voltage relationship of a MOSFET. Non-ideal characteristics of MOSFET: channel length modulation and short-channel effects in MOSFETs. MOS scaling. Introduction to Multigate FET architecture: Double gate MOSFET, FinFET, Surrounding gate FET, high-K dielectric FETs.
Laplace transform, Initial and Final value theorems. Transfer Functions: Open-loop stability, Poles, Zeros, Time response, Transients, Steady-state, Block diagrams and signal flow diagram, Feedback principles: Open versus Closed-loop control, High gain control, Inversion; State variables: Signal flow diagram to state variables, transfer function to state variable and state variable to transfer function, Stability of closed-loop systems: Routh’s method, Root locus, PID control: Structure, Design using root locus, Pole assignment: Sylvester’s theorem, PI and PID synthesis using pole assignment, Frequency Response: Nyquist plot, Bode diagram, Nyquist stability theorem, Stability margins, Closed-loop sensitivity functions, Model errors, Robust stability, Controller design using frequency response: Proportional control, Lead-lag control, PID control, Digital control systems: introduction, sampled data systems, stability analysis in Z-domain.
In this course students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EEE 403. The student will also design and implement a small scale microprocessor system learned in EEE 403.
Passive and active loads and frequency limitation. Current mirror: Basic, cascade and active current mirror. Differential Amplifier: Introduction, large and small signal analysis, common mode analysis and differential amplifier with active load. Noise: Introduction
to noise, types, representation in circuits, noise in single stage and differential amplifiers and bandwidth. Band-gap references: Supply voltage independent biasing, temperature independent biasing, proportional to absolute temperature current generation and constant transconductance
biasing. Switching capacitor circuits: Sampling switches, switched capacitor circuits including unity gain buffer, amplifier and integrator. Phase Locked Loop (PLL): Introduction, basic PLL and charge pumped PLL.
Substrate materials: Crystal growth and wafer preparation, epitaxial growth technique, molecular beam epitaxy, chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Doping techniques: Diffusion and ion implantation. Growth and deposition of dielectric layers: Thermal oxidation, CVD, plasma CVD, sputtering and silicon-nitride growth. Etching: Wet chemical etching, silicon and GaAs etching, anisotropic etching, selective etching, dry physical etching, ion beam etching sputtering and etching and reactive ion etching. Cleaning: Surface cleaning, organic cleaning and RCA cleaning. Lithography: Photoreactive materials, pattern generation, pattern transfer and metallization. Discrete device fabrication: Diode, transistor, resistor and capacitor. Integrated circuit fabrication: Isolation-pn junction isolation, mesa isolation and oxide isolation. BJT based microcircuits, p-channel and n-channel MOSFETs, complimentary MOSFETs and silicon on insulator devices. Testing, bonding and packaging.