Course Catalogue

Course Code: MSJ 231
Course Name:
New Media and Online Publication
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

This course provides an introduction to the Internet and World Wide Web as an information and communication resource. Fundamental techniques of WWW authoring will be taught and will include file application and management, incorporation of graphics and the design of web pages, blog and online content. On completion of the course, students will know how to produce a web page, blog and multimedia contents in online that incorporates graphics, text and file sharing. The course is lab based.

Course Code: MSJ 231 (New)
Course Name:
Visual Communication
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

This course explores the anthropology and sociology of the “image.” It demonstrates how images are used to construct and disseminate meanings in all societies for many purposes ranging from the religious, the political and the commercial reasons. A particular emphasis will be placed on the use of images for symbolic purposes, how they are perceived, circulated and decoded. Attention will also be paid to areas such as installations, make up and costumes.

Course Code: MSJ 232
Course Name:
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

Topics to be covered on this course include the history of photojournalism, the “news” photograph, how pictures are set up and selected and how the newspapers and magazines use photographs. In addition, the politics and ethics of photojournalism will be covered in depth, especially the ‘truthfulness’ of images? The role of photojournalism in covering the “front-line” such as war, conflict and social unrest will be addressed. The course will conclude with the consideration of the changing technology of photojournalism. The aesthetic analysis of photography, techniques of taking classic photographs, using photo lab, techniques of negative development and printing are another important focus of this course.

Course Code: MSJ 240
Course Name:
Mass Communication
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

This course offers an understanding on the nature, functions and uses of mass communication in society. It includes the study of mass media audiences, mass media feedback system, impact of mass media, media and ethics, media access and pressure groups, media and politics, media and government, media and religion, media and women, media and business, mass media and culture, violence and media. It will conclude with a consideration of the media as the new public sphere. The course also provides students with solid background in mass communication theory in order for them to carry out research work in the field of mass media.

Course Code: MSJ 241
Course Name:
Approaches to Film Studies
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

The course introduces students to the study of film, its history and aesthetics and their application to individual films and film movements. Students will become acquainted with basic elements, terminology and theories of critique and inquiry in film studies. These include genre theory, auteur theory, semiotics of film and the analysis of form as opposed to content. More than an overview, the goal is to train students to view films critically and with an informed awareness. Readings as well as screenings will be required.

Course Code: MSJ 241 (New)
Course Name:
Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

This course is divided into two parts.  The first part is on interpersonal communication, which focuses on providing learners the necessary skills for effective interpersonal communication – person to person.  These include techniques in message production, relationship building, interpersonal adaptation and impression management.  The second part is on intercultural communication, which explores communication skills, models and theories in a cross cultural context, particularly on how different cultures filter experience through their own understandings of time, space, conventions, structures, verbal and non verbal communication.

Course Code: MSJ 301
Course Name:
Video Communication I
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

In this course students will learn about the aesthetic and technical elements at work in video. The course includes the development of video as a filmmaking medium, the characteristics of video, the uses of video as an audiovisual communication medium and video as a broadcast and non-broadcast medium. Basic skills include scripting, recording/shooting, camera operation, lighting, sound recording, editing and mastering the core elements of video production will be covered. Extending video communication to social experience and development from video camera works to video editing, will complete the course.

Course Code: MSJ 301 (New)
Course Name:
Critical Thinking and Logic
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

In a rapidly developing consumer society—which is geared by the diffusion of ideas, products and services—persuasion is one of the fundamental areas of communication. For an effective persuasion one needs to understand the audience and client’s socio-cognitive background and needs besides mastering the principles, techniques and art of persuasion. This course teaches the methods of critical thinking and logic by using relevant concepts and theories from philosophy, psychology, sociology and information science.

Course Code: MSJ 302
Course Name:
Advanced Multimedia Production
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

This course expands upon the processes of multimedia production taught earlier. It provides an overview of the multimedia processes required for authoring and introduces students to the most recent authoring packages, which they will learn to apply. On completion of the course students will be able to produce an offline product as well as an on-line website that build upon the skills taught within the course.

Course Code: MSJ 303
Course Name:
TV Production Skills
Credit Hours:
Detailed Syllabus:

In this course, students will be introduced to a range of skills necessary for the production of TV programs. These include research, program development, scheduling, camera placement and movement, editing and post-production. On completion of the course students, will produce a short program for public screening.
