This intermediate course will teach students a range of skills necessary for the production of TV programs. These include research, program development, scheduling, camera placement and movement, editing and post-production. This course also will cover basic production design skills such as sets and costumes. On completion of the course students, will produce a short program for public screening. Students are expected to work cooperatively in clearly defined production roles.
Course Catalogue
This course introduces students to the concept of digital culture. The influence of the new technologies based on the digital encoding of information is pervasive. It touches upon virtually every aspect of modern life, in virtually all cultures. In order to understand this phenomenon, students will be introduced to medium based theory, which provides both the context for understanding as well the critical methods required and is derived from the work of theorists such as Harold Innis, Marshall McLuhan and Walter Ong. On the conclusion of the unit, students will have a greater appreciation of the information revolution that surrounds them.
This course is designed to introduce students, who are interested in pursuing their carrier in the public relations field (PR), to the role and importance of PR in dealing with the existing economic and political problems. The course examines application of basic public relations principles through the case history method. Students explore important PR case histories and analyze and critique each decision with an emphasis on ethical public relations management. Special attention is given to managing crises, including consequences of unforeseen emergencies and disasters. Students learn a range of methods for handling various events with respect to target audiences.
The course provides the history and development of the Bangladeshi economy and situates its position vis-à-vis the global economy. It also describes the impacts of geopolitical trends on the local economy. It proceeds with a discussion of the growth and development of business journalism in the country; stressing the importance of the field in an increasingly market-driven economy.
In this course, advertising concepts, definitions and the historical development stages of the industry are examined. The role of advertising in the marketing communication process and the new dimension of advertising will be defined. The advertising course also offers students the basic advertising techniques within communication process and marketing mix. It aims to introduce different types of advertising, advertising media, sales promotion, sponsorship and exhibitions models for analysis and the planning, executing and evaluation of an advertising process. Course includes preparation and presentation of an advertising campaign.
The course explains how to pursue business stories – sourcing for leads, developing business contacts, obtaining information from government and businesses, internet and live sources, and covering business beats such as finance, property, telecommunications, retail and the like. It also discusses investigative techniques in business journalism.
Media relations generally involve five media: newspapers, magazines, radio, television and online. This course discusses those activities that involve working directly with persons responsible for the editorial (news and features), public service and sponsored programming products of mass media. It discusses media handling theories used in the field of public relations, the advantages of publicity, planning publicity campaign, understanding the media, press interviews, managing a crisis, media evaluation – enabling students to appreciate the relevance of theory to everyday life and in the work place.
This course deals with the internal publics of the institution. It is designed to help students learn about how communication takes place in an organizational setting – how an organization utilizes communication to achieve certain goals and how communication in an organization influences an organization’s goals. The course will examine strategies for effective upward, downward and sideward communication.
The course is designed to underscore the importance of created private media – the media for specialized and focused audience. With an emphasis on in-house journals, audio visual and online media products, the course also discusses other created private media such as educational literature, spoken words, seminars, conferences, company events and private exhibitions.
The course aims to provide students the essentials in public speaking including speech preparation, structure, delivery and the use of body language. It is essential that students understand the importance of public speaking in the practice of Public Relations since practitioners are required to write and present speech every so often and for a variety of purposes.